INNER Breath Hydrogen no Water System

INNER-Breath Hydrogen water is made by dissolving gaseous molecular hydrogen into water under pressure.

Our brain cannot function well without proper hydration.

National Library of Medicine, National Center of Biotechnology Information “Recent Progress Toward Hydrogen Medicine: Potential of
Molecular Hydrogen for Preventive and Therapeutic Applications”. Persistent oxidative stress is one of the major causes of most lifestyle-related diseases, cancer, and the aging process. Acute oxidative stress directly causes serious damage to tissues. Despite the clinical importance of oxidative damage, antioxidants have been of limited therapeutic success. We have proposed that molecular hydrogen (H2) has the potential as a “novel” antioxidant in preventive and therapeutic applications [Ohsawa et al., Nat Med. 2007: 13; 688-94].

INNER-Breath Hydrogen water is made by dissolving gaseous molecular hydrogen into water under pressure.

Our brain cannot function well without proper hydration.

